Strong And Fit

Strong And Fit

Our Strong AF! classes are a bold, fun, brand new way to do strength training. Created in house by our owner, Ashley Patchen, you’ll strengthen the muscles you need specifically for dancer in a fun, “dancey” way.

BOLD Toning

BOLD Dance Toning is a high intensity, challenging but fabulously fun dance strengthening class. It is a full body workout that uses a combination of the “3Bs”:  Bands, Bandanas and Body weight to help you strengthen and tone.

It is designed for those of us who love to groove and have made dance a part of our routine, but also realize that if we want to keep dancing forever, muscle strengthening is crucial.


BOLD Booty

An offshoot of BOLD, this is a short, 30 minute class focusing on your glutes. We know you’re neglecting that booty sitting at your computer all day. This is a great class to get those muscles firing before you do!